Manchester Move is currently unavailable

The Manchester Move website has been the victim of a cyber breach and the site has been temporarily suspended.

Following the breach, some customers may have received an emailing asking them to click links and specifically to "Activate Your Tenancy Options".

Manchester Move would never request personal information using a link but if you think you might have clicked on something or given personal information away, please follow the steps below.

The website is managed by a third party, and it will remain offline until we are confident that the personal information of people using the website is safe.

We apologise for any inconvenience. We take protecting resident data very seriously and we need to be satisfied that we can protect your information.

No homes are currently being advertised. This will resume when the website is back online.

Steps to stay safe online

If you have already clicked the link and/or shared any personal information, we would recommend you follow guidance from the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre.

If you have provided any account details for your housing register application please contact the housing provider that holds your application immediately so we can ensure your account is secure.

If you have provided bank details, then contact your bank immediately and monitor your bank account for any suspicious activity

If you have lost money report it immediately to Action Fraud.

Change your passwords if you have any other accounts with the same password as Manchester Move.