Demand and Prospects information

The Housing Register

There is currently an extremely high demand for social housing in Manchester with over 15,000 live applications on the Manchester Housing Register.

*Please see below for the number of households on the Manchester Housing Register, by their band and the size of property that they need:

*Information correct as at 26.02.25

Lettings Results

It is difficult to give exact information on how long you will wait for a home, but see below for recent lettings results:

*Information based on lettings between 01.04.2024 and 31.12.2024


Please note that these are average waiting times for households that have recently been successful; future waiting times are dependent on turnover of homes. Waiting times may be much longer in higher demand areas.

For 1-bed properties, waiting times can vary depending on your age; the wait for flats with a high age restriction is shorter than that for properties without an age restriction.

No family homes were let to applicants outside of Band 1 and Band 2.

Waiting times for adapted homes may be longer than average due to high demand.

Average waiting times for applicants in Band 2 with a 2022 to 2024 award date for 1 bed general needs homes will be in excess of 3.5 years. 

Average waiting times for applicants in Band 2 with a 2022 to 2024 award date for 2 and 3 bed family homes will be in excess of 5 years and may be as high as 7 years. 

Average waiting times for applicants in Band 2 with an award date after 2021 for 4 bed and larger family homes will be well in excess of 6 years and may be as high as 10-12 years for those that have recently been placed in this band. 


Applicants in Band 3 and Band 4

There may be options available in some areas of the City for applicants in Bands 3 and 4 for non-family homes with a 50+ age restriction. Please check your Manchester Move account for available homes.

There may be limited options in North Manchester for applicants who are over 40 in Bands 3 and 4, who require a 2-bed flat. An affordability check will be required. Please check your Manchester Move account for available homes.