Privacy and cookies


The Manchester Move website is operated by Manchester City Council and Northwards Housing in partnership with other not for profit landlords with homes in the city.


The personal  information provided by you is required by Manchester City Council and its Manchester Move partners  in order to enable you to bid for a home online in accordance with the Council’s obligations under Part 6 of the Housing Act 1996.  We respect and protect the privacy of anyone who visits the website. All information will be held on a secure computer data base and managed in accordance with relevant data protection legislation.


The website organiser is:


Manchester City Council, PO Box 531, Manchester, M60 2JX


If you fill in an online form, or bid for a home online, the personal information you give will be recorded, held, organised and used as part of the rehousing process by the relevant landlord.


The online rehousing registration form is used to start your rehousing registration, assess the type of property you would be suitable for, and to help decide your level of rehousing priority.


The information will go to one of the landlords in the Manchester Move partnership. The landlord will use it as an application to register you for rehousing. The information sent online will be converted to 'case papers' by the landlord that handles your application.


The information you provide will be assessed automatically to decide your level of housing priority. This “automated decision-making” relies on you providing accurate and up to date information. If you believe your housing priority assessment is incorrect you can contact the landlord that handles your application to have it checked. Before you do that you need to ensure that the information you have provided is accurate and up to date. You are responsible for the information you provide.


The information will be held securely and treated confidentially. You have the legal right to see your rehousing application file. Contact the relevant landlord for information about how to do this.


Manchester Move landlords may use data from the website to help build statistical information about rehousing needs and demands - this statistical information will not describe individual cases, or list individual applicants.


Landlords will only disclose the information you give to certain relevant people or organisations as part of the rehousing process, including to verify the information you provide – such as other Manchester Move landlords; health and social care authorities; the police; probation services.


If you contact your local councillors or your M.P. or any other persons for help with your housing application we will consider that you have given your consent for Manchester Move organisations to share your information with them in order to help you.


If we need to talk to any other people or organisations about the information, we will get your permission first. You can give or deny this permission in the relevant part of the form. The exception to this rule is when you tell us you have relevant unspent criminal convictions. In such cases we might need to ask Greater Manchester Police or the probation services to provide information about your offences in order to verify your statements. If we need to do this it is to enable us to perform our obligations under Part 6 of the Housing Act 1996 (as amended) in determining that your application is in accordance with the Council’s allocation scheme and where this is the case we will not ask for your consent. Your personal data is only kept for as long as it is needed and will be retained as long as you have a live application and for 6 years once you have been rehoused or you end your application.



Your rights and getting help


You have the right to ask Manchester City Council and its Manchester Move Partners to stop using your personal information for the reasons listed above. However as Manchester City Council and its Manchester Move Partners need to use this information to provide its service we may not be able to continue to provide the Manchester Move service to you. You also have the right to ask that your information is deleted.


If you have any concerns about how your personal information is used, please contact Manchester City Council (Strategic Housing) by emailing


You also have the right  to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (‘ICO’) about how your personal information is used. The ICO is a separate organisation to Manchester City Council and its Manchester Move Partners and regulates how personal information is collected, used and shared.


The ICO can be contacted on:


Telephone: 0303 123 1113 (local rate)


Post: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow. Cheshire SK9 5AF





Like most websites we use 'cookies' to collect anonymous statistics about how people use the site, and to help us keep it relevant for the user. Cookies 'remember' bits of information from your visit to the site.

A cookie is a simple text file that's stored on your computer or mobile device by a website's server. Only that server can retrieve or read the contents of that cookie. Each cookie is unique to your web browser. So if we put a cookie on your computer, it can't be read by any other website.

There are two types of cookie:


session cookies last as long as your current visit to the site - or for up to a limited amount of time if you keep the site open without using it. They mean you don't have to keep re-submitting information as you move through the site or carry out transactions.


persistent cookies remember information from previous visits - for example names and details for online forms. They are used to collect anonymous statistics about how many people use the site.

Cookies make the interaction between you and the website faster and easier. Without cookies the website thinks you are a new visitor every time you move to a new page.


Find out more about cookies


How we use cookies to collect statistics

To improve our service we collect anonymous web statistics using a program called Google Analytics. They store several cookies on users' computers or mobiles devices to tell us how many people have visited each web page, how they got there, and where they navigated to from there. The data collected is completely anonymous and does not store any personal details.


You have the opportunity to set your computer to accept all cookies, to notify you when a cookie is issued, or not to receive cookies at any time. The way in which you do this depends upon the web browser which you use. Find out more here.