Help Guides

How Manchester Move works


When are properties advertised?


The landlords who are part of Manchester Move will be advertising properties as soon as they become available, so new adverts will be added daily. This doesn’t mean that you have to check for new properties every day because all properties advertised can be seen on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays.

Properties will be advertised for at least 6 days, but occasionally we may leave adverts on for longer. Each advert will have a ‘closing date’ on it, so you just need to make sure that you bid before then if you are interested.

Here are examples of when adverts will open and close (although we may occasionally extend this period):




You can have up to 3 'active' bids at any time, but as adverts you have bid on close, you can then bid for more properties.

Remember, you should not bid on homes that you don’t want, though, as it slows down the process for everyone else.


Bidding for homes


When you sign in, you can see the homes you're eligible for and get an idea of your chance of getting the home if you bid for it.


For most homes, there is no advantage to bidding earlier in its 'bidding period'. But some homes are marked ‘First come first served'. They usually go to the first person who bids for them - so the sooner you bid on these properties, the more chance you’ll have.


See all Social Housing homes advertised on Manchester Move here


What are my chances?


Our 'traffic light’ system shows you your likely position if you were to bid. If you're outside the top ten, you are unlikely to be offered the property. As an advert’s 'bidding period' is due to close, people may swap their bids around, so you may want to look again to check and change your bids.


If your chances are not looking good, maybe try different areas and property types or think again about other housing options.

You only have three live bids at any time, so use the information about your bidding position to help you decide which homes to bid for.

Frequently Asked Questions